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If you'd like to donate to our movement (a legal 501(c)3 nonprofit organization), we'd first prefer you consider giving to organizations that are meeting practical needs through dignified means.


If you feel compelled to help us spread hope and love more generously, we would be grateful to receive your financial support and trust.





2.6% of your donation will cover payment processing fees. 

The remaining funds will be used to gift hopeful tokens to individuals and communities.

A donation receipt will be emailed to you for your tax records.



If you'd rather send a check via snail mail, please make checks out to Don't Give Up Movement and mail to 1002A N Springbrook Road #126 Newberg, OR 97132


Please include with your donation your name and mailing address so we can mail you a donation receipt for tax-deduction proposes.



With grateful hearts,

Amy, Evangeline, and Jessica



Don't Give Up Movement
(Mailing Address Only)

1002A N Springbrook Road #126
Newberg, OR 97132


A 501(c)(3)nonprofit organization.







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