Here are 9 ways to spread the movement...
1. Share the goodness
Share our posts on social media. If you share our images, please consider honoring the movement by tagging us, mentioning us and using our hashtag! #dontgiveupsigns
2. Get groups involved
Contact churches, schools, networking/social groups, or colleagues at work to pitch in on, or sponsor, an order/pack of signs.
3. Contact your local news station or newspaper
We've had 5 news outlets reach out to us, most recently in Ohio, because evidently love with no strings attached is newsworthy! You may be surprised how interested they are, especially if you have stories of why you got involved and any feedback you've received from the signs/products in your community.
4. Conduct a sign rally
The first sign rally (that we know of) happened every Friday in the summer of 2017 when a group of teens and mentors stood along a busy highway holding our signs to spread love and hope to people stuck in rush hour traffic. Then, in December 2017, 4 friends rallied together to spread the love in their town of Minneapolis, Minnesota #dontgiveupsignsMLPS (kudos to Kylee And Christian Creative for producing this video!)
5. Go to public markets
Bring a stack of stickers or encouragement cards (cheap cheap cheap) to your local outdoor market or downtown spot to hand encouragement out to strangers. Be ready: you will witness skepticism melt into gratitude as you hand out free items with no agenda.
6. Travel with us
Never walk through an airport or use public transportation without tokens of hope in your back pocket. We hear stories all the time about people, in a time of hopelessness, finding our mini Don't Give Up cards on the train, metro or in restaurants (leave one with your receipt!?). Even border agents at customs. True story.
7. Put us in gift bags
Folks are including us in retreat/conference goodie bags, take-aways at family reunions, thank you gifts for work partnerships, and practical packages for the homeless community.
8. Bring us to work
Our wristbands and encouragement cards are in schools, resorts, pharmacies, hair salons, universities, prisons, hospitals, mental health clinics... you name it, because people recognized the need for hope in their workplaces. And oh the touching stories...
9. Pay it forward
While we don't have a need for volunteers, many places do. Put your stirred-heart to action by volunteering with a worthy organization!
Whatever you do or don't do, honor people. Focus more on common ground than differences. Have hard conversations by flexing your empathy muscle. Listen to understand, not debate. Look people in the eye. Be present. Be generous with love (including with yourself).
Life is messy but we're in this together!